Keeping ‘ahead of the curve’

Keeping ‘ahead of the curve’, the statistical phrase covd-19 will forever be remembered for…  and yes (I’m sure) one day this will all be an awful memory 🙂 .

If you don’t enjoy reading my postings, that’s fine I write them for myself and anyone who’d like to read 🙂 . Tomorrow’s will be a little more positive.

My humble advice, why not try limiting yourself to watching only one trusted News outlet, my own being the BBC.

I now try and limit exposure to corona virus news stories to one half hour’s concentrated reading in the morning (virtually impossible I know), I trust our very own state funded (sorry taxpayer funded) BBC, and for the well being of my own mental sanity, I’m limiting myself to scan reading headlines then clicking on news stories that capture my imagination for in depth reading. Whether that be a putting a positive community spin to lift the heart, or truly horrific statistical graphs that reveal death rates are doubling every 4 days revealing we’re two weeks behind Spain and Italy, you just have to limit your News exposure. Looking on the bright side our Government appears to be ‘ahead of the curve’ the new buzz phrase this virus will be long remembered for.

Anyways, the Government today published photos, both shocking and comforting at the same time. Below the newly constructed ‘Nightingale Hospital’ London, tomorrow’s posting will be a little more light hearted. Take care.


A. Shepherdson 2020