What could possibly go wrong?

I’m unsure how many people regularly read this WordPress anymore, lol I used to be quite popular (it’s all relative) but then I broke the golden blog rule which as we all know IS to Post ‘regularly and often’ (or is that fellatio?) Anyways not to worry I enjoy the creative process 🙂 .

I’m an impulsive sort of man, in the past I’ve chatted to a woman I hardly know online, then afternoon the following day we’re to be found f****** in a budget priced Motel bedroom….. however I’ve written those postings. Spontaneity acting without forethought could be regarded a lazy way to organise your life, carefree or reckless even, well late Thursday evening I was surfing booking.com’s webpages looking at Hotel accommodation whilst feeling an irresistible urge to visit somewhere anywhere! So after 3 months lockdown then 6 weeks unbroken work, I booked myself into a London Hotel for several nights, paid a non refundable £ by credit card soon followed by a confirmation email with the upshot being tomorrow night I’ll be sleeping in a quality Hotel bedroom (prices are unbelievably cheap at the moment)……….. fantastic!

Then I put myself to bed.

Next morning the first thought on my mind was ‘pandemic’ closely followed by ‘oh s*** the virus R rate (?) is on the increase again’ or so the media keep telling us! Move along several hours later after having consumed several mugs of mint infused tea, and calmed my frayed nerves reading the Hotel’s covid-19 precautions they’ve taken, I thought why not just go and have myself a short break in London.

(Walking across the common I overheard a woman talking to a friend “we took the kids to the Cotswold Wildlife Park and it was packed…. after a while it’s impossible to socially distance so we gave up” In other words ‘what will be will be’.)

I guess with the World gripped by a disease we’re all desperately trying to avoid catching, as highly infectious as the common cold (then again that’s another coroner), I’ve done my best however throughout Government enforced solitary confinement I’ve increasingly been asking myself “am I earning to live? Or just living to exist?”

(A wise old colleague told me that one.)

I’m not a fatalist but I have come round to thinking I’ve read far tooo many scare stories this past four months………. first the Government says avoid public transport! This past six weeks I’ve been travelling to and from Oxford for work and still here to live to tell the tale, I wear a mask, socially distance ‘Try to’ avoid touching my face, I sanitize my hands with alcohol cleaner ALL the frigging day… what more can I do? Life is a mere game of luck and chance, I could catch this nastiness at Tesco’s supermarket on the estate or anywhere so if you don’t read another posting on this WordPress you know what’s happened……. shouldn’t be flippant Andrew.

Ok I’m not climbing Mount Everest I know, I’ll take precautions, try and enjoy myself if only because we all have to return to some resemblance of normality, covid is here to stay and I need a change of scenery, anyways I have a day ticket for the famous Kew Gardens and that’s outside in the fresh air.

A. Shepherdson 2020

14 thoughts on “What could possibly go wrong?

  1. Mask, hand gel, ignore tinder, keep your distance. 😏

    On the bright side, not many people are considering city breaks so walk everywhere and enjoy! I’m a bit envious at the prospect of an almost empty British Museum!!! I hope it’s open. Be safe Andrew x

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  2. I know people at both extremes of the precautions spectrum. I have a friend who’s been traveling regularly, posting pictures out and about in large crowds, and can’t wait to be back in the classroom when school reopens.
    Then, I have friends who’ve had everything delivered since March, only go out with a mask even though they’re 6 ft away from people and outside.
    I’m trying not to judge other people because their comfort level is different from mine. I wish everyone would afford me the same courtesy. My life since March has been a crazy challenge of clearing out my house and selling it. I had to interact with a lot of people on the process. I moved in May. I am a single woman who lives 1000 and 2000 miles away from my two closest children. I traveled by plane at the beginning of July. I kept it pretty quiet, but I’m past the 14 days home now so I’m good. Lots of sanitizer and wipes, a mask, and being as careful as I could be. Was it worth going through all of the craziness of moving and traveling? For me the answer is yes. I think you have to weigh things for yourself. Enjoy your vacation.

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    • I’d guess we all know people who’ve reacted to this new normality differently, we’ve youthful senior friends of the family who’ve hardly left their house since March! My work colleague does worry me slightly because out of our bubble he rarely washes his hands or wears a mask, but as LA once said to me, the answer to this nastiness could well be improved hand hygiene. Time will tell. Appears you’re living similar to myself with masks care also ssnitizer and good fortune lol, this weekend will be an interesting experience, I’ve both worked and commuted for 6 weeks now and fingers crossed lol I’ve been ok🙂

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      • Hand hygiene was always something I took seriously but current Laura and preCovid Laura approach it differently. I now have a spray bottle of sanitizer in my car and every time I get out of the car and every time. I get back in, I spray both hands front and back.

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    • 🙄Thank you, London Post lockdown is an erry city, empty streets no cars on the road, and hardly a soul to be seen!spooky even. 🙂I’ve some posts to write and lookin forward to reading yours.

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