The Virus hunters

Today’s post is a Link to a fascinating and beautifully written article, no don’t disappear there’s photos as well! I’m hoping this share from ‘The Daily Telegraph’ website will play in overseas territories, incidentally The Telegraph is a quality UK newspaper……. if a touch Right Wing lol.

Photos by Simon Townsley.

Sierra Leone’s ‘Virus hunters’ From Ebola to swine flu to HIV/Aids, viruses borne by animals have caused some of the most devastating epidemics in history. What will come next? In Sierra Leone, Joe Shute joins the scientists working to find Disease X – a virus that is as yet undiscovered, but which could have the potential to ravage populations

Had enough of fake news and scare stories? I’ve a factual article which may interest you 🙂 .

A true tale following a group scientists on a trek into the rain forest’s of deepest darkest Africa, northern Sierra Leone to be more exact, sparsely populated and little visited, very few remote regions such as these exist on planet Earth. These band of brave men and women are searching for something called ‘Disease X’, an as yet undiscovered pathogen with the potential to spark a pandemic, and what are they searching for in Sierra Leone jungles? Bats! Warm blooded mammals also carriers of some of the deadliest viruses on the planet, many are unknown, several such a Ebola and Corona have killed thousands upon thousands of humans, and in the jungle may lurk the one disease that could………….., with thoughts of Corona virus on my mind (I’m quite worried now) I discovered this article and decided to (hopefully) share.

Immensely readable and of course highly topical, ‘Virus hunters’ makes plain that as man encroaches ever deeper into remote jungles, almost certainly another virus could jump species the very moment a bat sinks its bloody fangs into a human being…. the warning is there are places where human beings must never go.

Oh yes that link!……………                 The Virus hunters

A bat is removed from a mist net so the viruses it carries can be tested and documented.
Sierra Leone August 2018 looking for new strains of the Ebola virus in the wild animal population.
I’m still unsure if the article was written before Corona?….. My guess is yes.


A. Shepherdson 2020 (and The Daily Telegraph)


8 thoughts on “The Virus hunters

    • Instructions from our UK government changes by the hour, and I don’t think it’ll be long before schools and universities are closed, hopefully there are good people who know what they’re doing. I only wish Chinese food hygiene rules had been as strict as our own!

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