I live in a racist Britain

‘Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year UKIP tells us immigration is to blame for all Britain’s problems, the consequence is we accept the burning images below as to be expected modern day behaviour! So am I shocked and surprised? Disgusted yes but not as surprised as I should be’

A cardboard effigy of Grenfell Tower burning November 5th 2018

I’ve been thinking about British racism quite a bit recently, however before I begin I’d just like to remind you this WordPress has been written with only one rule in mind, Politics is not to be discussed and that includes BREXIT, but this evening I’m going to make an exception.

British people suffer from a chronic brain condition deeply embedded into every single inhabitant of this Island nation, so much so I divide the population down the middle, the majority of white people are to a degree racist and our migrant population whether first second third generation immigrants, they could be Pakistani Indian or West Indian descendants will all encounter racist remarks at some point in their day………… possibly worse than name calling!

The White Defence League 1950 Trafalgar Square, they’re long gone but many Organisations have followed.

You’ll have all watched the Grenfell Tower tragedy in which 72 people lost their lives and you’ll have all seen photos of a miniature cardboard Tower being burnt on November 5th, an unusual tradition where we celebrate Guy Fawkes failed 1605 act of terrorism………… I don’t think he was a Muslim bomber was he?

I had intended to spare you a picture of the burning cardboard Tower, I relented, what can I say apart from I’m utterly disgusted however this isn’t a one off incident. No racism is deeply embedded into our psyche within every Town and City across the United Kingdom, and if any readers living overseas believe BREXIT is about leaving the EU, I’m here to tell you it’s not! 

BREXIT was a protest vote against migrant workers coming to these shores by the 100,000, also a protest against uncontrolled immigration over the past 60 years as Politicians never fail to remind us each and every day. Whether Right Wing mainstream, UKIP, National Front, EDL, BNP, White Defence League whichever, they keep spouting speeches with negative vibes and then politicians wonder why we the people dislike foreigners?……………. But perhaps if you live in a Northern City where a steel works, shipyard or car plant has closed, or your Grandchildren cannot afford to buy their first house for the simple reason 900,000 Poles live in UK homes……….. then you’re going to vote BREXIT aren’t you?………….. Holy crap I fear Britain would really burn if we had Donald Trump in charge.

BREXIT is/was a protest vote made by very angry white people who haven’t had their worries listened to, and the story all begins after the end of WWII when yes Great Britain was made up of 95% white faces, so what’s to do? I’ve actually come to a point in my life where truthfully I’m not enjoying living in this Country but at my age I’ll just have to stick it out, save my money and ultimately pass it on to several little people I know. I have no children of my own and everything that I own savings, home, treasured belongings are written into a legally binding Will simply because they will need every penny in a United Kingdom that’s tearing itself apart.

Here’s one final statistic for you because I fear this post could become an angry rant which I don’t want, because if you’ve read my blog you’ll know my WordPress is a happy place with some silliness, photographs, serious thoughts and fun observations………. not forgetting sex and boobs! Where was I? Oh yes one final statistic which encapsulates exemplifies every single problem plaguing this country, apply this analogy across the board. When my sibling left University the State paid his Grant in entirety, in fact the individual finished further education without owing a single penny to anyone! However today in 2018 when a young adult leaves University after three years of Degree education, he or she will have paid all tuition fees leaving them with a debt of £50,000 to be repaid over the rest of their lifetime.

Makes me want to weep!

So you tell me how a University Graduate with very few job opportunities has any chance of saving a deposit for a one bedroom Flat, which will probably cost them £200,000 or £400,000 if you live in London. Total madness and now you’ll probably understand why white people have had enough of migrant workers coming to Britain, buying themselves a home, entitled to umpteen cash benefits, a free education for their children and free healthcare in the form of NHS operations or their own family Doctor………… wouldn’t you vote BREXIT tooo?

Just so as you understand our National Health Service couldn’t exist without cheap migrant labour, seems like we Brits prefer to sit on our asses doing very little and sponging off the State rather than work (not everyone but you get the idea)………….. gives us time to complain about bloody foreigners!

I sit on the bus each evening with tooo much idle time on my hands, I’m bored, worrying about my country’s future and as for BREXIT? I’ve frigging had enough AND the process hasn’t started yet, that madness begins March 2019. So will there be food shortages? Will British industry relocate to Europe in fear of paying import export duties? Or will our F#CKING USELESS POLITICIANS pull their fingers out and do something…….. ANYTHING!!!

So this leaves me with a question which is never far from my thoughts, namely am I a British Racist to? And I have to answer I really don’t know how to answer, I cannot say a great deal about my place of work except to say for the last 28 years I’ve worked daily alongside people from every corner of this Globe, my Department alone probably number’s forty overseas nationals and to a person they are lovely people……………….. not forgetting some rather gorgeous women in there but that’s a whole different blog post, oh hold on I’ve already written those 😉 .

Like I said lovely people all, witty amusing intelligent polite and to a person grateful for the help I give them………….. yet if I was medically ill I could wait nine weeks for an appointment to see my GP, then I’ll sit in the doctor’s surgery gazing up at the electronic sign waiting for my name to appear, but not before noticing Polish looking names being flashed up one after another, AND they’re the reason I have to wait two months to see a GP aren’t they? You’ll have guessed my Town has a large Polish Community, so have we integrated yet? Being truthful not really 😦 , though my Mum chats to a Grandmother but mum will talk to anyone.

So what’s to do? With BREXIT day but four months away everyone is nervous for the future, worried about their jobs and rising food prices (I dread going to the supermarket these days), but worst of all we’ve a f#cking useless Government unable to make sense of this madness let alone come up with any answers, to be fair they try, but I fear the EU will do all they can to stop us leaving! Tooo many bureaucrats enjoying the gravy train and worrying what’ll happen after the British food wagon is uncoupled!

(BTW apologies for my earlier profanities, but hey I’m a little despairing today!)

Usually I’ll finish my posts with a wise pithy or amusing conclusion………. I have none!

So were we a happier breed of men and women back in 1953?

A. Shepherdson 2018.

10 thoughts on “I live in a racist Britain

  1. What I’m seeing here in Canada is that equality is a loaded term. It seems a lot of effort is being made to be inclusive of all but sometimes, equality is not equal. I see it in elementary school where kids are forced to make concessions in the name of equality but what they see is that not all are subject to concessions. It’s a very slippery road. One group makes a concession in the name of inclusivity, but it’s not reciprocated by the other group in similar circumstances.

    I don’t know what the answer is…

    Liked by 2 people

    • I agree, equality in what you are allowed to think say read or watch in the media also life generally seems disproportionate, faith and religion especially. The fact that children have to be careful when discussing multi culturism truly saddens me, because why should they have make unequal concessions at such a young age………. alas I have no idea where this madness ends but hopefully one day we’ll all wake and see that things have to change. Thank you for replying. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I would venture to say it’s worse in the US and that’s not a brag, I say that with shame for our current situation. I read the average student loan debt is around $100,000. I don’t understand starting adult life with that much of a burden.
    But even more troubling to me is the level of hate being stirred up by the president and his supporters. I fear that this is a more long lasting and dangerous burden than the debt.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Alas we read Donald Trump’s Tweeting and watch his rallies from over here in the UK and I genuinely feel for you, at least Mrs May is a decent person/politician whatever her (many) faults! Wow you say $100,000 that’s awful, to saddle both our countries children with such a debt is truly appalling, at least over here in the UK children are now being directed into learning a Trade, useful productive financially secure apprenticeships such as electricians, hairdressers, gas fitters, heating engineers, plumbers 🙂 . And thank you 🙂 for replying.

      Liked by 1 person

      • On the subject of student debt, it’s definitely a sad situation especially for those who doesn’t have a plan for employment with their degree. My own daughters studied things that had direct career paths (engineering and nursing) but as a teacher, I feel education can be its own reward. It’s a shame that it comes at such an expense.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Omg I forgot nursing! Many years ago I went through a time of being in and out of hospital and met with many wonderful clinicians, and you make a great point about having a fully rounded education. I’m a qualified engineer yet at school I studied for O levels in Geography and History which probably made me more aware of my of my place in this mad old world…….… I lol also studied very badly with English Literature as well, in truth I loathed it HOWEVER in the long term I think it’s benefitted me more than any other subject I learned? 😀

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